
Saturday, November 27, 2010


I don't know if anybody will even read this, but regardless, please excuse the lack of recent content in this blog. I feel bad for neglecting it since September; I've just been swamped with things to do (mostly school-related) these past few months, and I haven't had time to bake and properly document them since 2 months ago. :( However, there's only one week left until this semester ends, and a few more weeks left until winter break starts, so I will be churning out new content soon!


Aradani said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply]Best Blogger Templates

oh my goodness I get so hungry looking through your site. lol I can't wait to see new posts from you when you have the time. I always disappear from blogging once september hits too.

sorry it has taken me so long to respond to your question. what I do with the unwanted stuff is either keep them tucked away in a makeup bag if it's good enough to give to someone else or I just throw them out if they aren't flattering or too expensive. I don't think there's anything wrong with throwing away something you can't use or give away because it's such a burden to have it take up space.

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